GES Fish Tank

GES Fish Tank
CLICK on the image above to read about it!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


We had a very productive 5+ hours of work we did on Friday, April 16 but there's still much to do. THANK YOU to all who came out Friday and who have been stopping by as time allows to help!!

Friday April 16 - afternoon school grounds spruce up!

This Friday, April 16, the GES PTA Landscape committee will be working at the school immediately after school to help spruce up some of the grounds. If you are available, whether you have gardening knowledge or not, please come out and lend a hand. There is plenty for anyone to do.

We will be bringing a scoop of mulch from Southern States, wheel barrels, shovels, rakes, clippers, string trimmer, extension cords and hedge clippers, gloves and any other tools we find necessary.

We may also be there from 1-2 to start with some of the weeding and plant dividing. 

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or just come on out for as much or as little time as you can spare!

Colleen Williams, Landscaping Committee GES PTA