GES Fish Tank

GES Fish Tank
CLICK on the image above to read about it!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Committee Meeting Friday November 14

We have a committee meeting scheduled for Friday November 14 at Java Jodi's. See you there at 10am!

Landscape Beautification Committee

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Committee co-chairs, Becci and Vijay walked the grounds of the school taking photographs of various outside areas in need of attention. You can view the pictures through this link:

Also, the 4th grade gifted class had a bake sale a couple of weeks ago to earn money to purchase UV lights for an indoor garden. They made quite a bit more money than they needed so would like to do something in the courtyard of the gifted center. Miss McTamaney had been thinking bulbs, etc. Vidya and I gave her a list of some spring blooming bulbs to show the class and kind of let them decide.

If anyone has any ideas that they would like to offer please let us know! The class wants to do something that has a lasting effect.

Also, we will need volunteers to assist the kids in planting these items one afternoon. Once this planned out. I'm on the look out for a warm day, hopefully! I have a feeling the area will need to be somewhat set up for them ahead of time though.

Off the top of my head, a few big projects that we've been thinking about:
  • outside furniture in the courtyard and in the front of the school and any other benches, etc. I'd love to be able to clean and stain those. However, that may need to wait until spring.
  • Hedges on the side of the ramp in front of the school DESPERATELY need to be trimmed!
  • Angie and I moved around a few iris and found borers in the iris that were hiding under the above hedges and in the ones around the sign.
  • While there is PLENTY of mulch on the GES side there is not much at all around the Specialty Center.

October 8, 2008

Our committee co chairs are - Vijay Ramanujam and Becci Dougherty. Please feel free to contact them. if you are willing to help with some of our upcoming projects or if you would like more information.

The Landscape Beautification Committee has finished filling the 3 container pots at the Specialty Center courtyard and the 4 container pots facing the parking lot of the Elementary School with some Fall plant materials. Take a look next time you are there!


We had a great turnout on Sunday September 28 to get the donated nandinas planted and some weeds pulled. Thank you to everyone who came out on such short notice to lend a hand!


E-mail from Fri 9/26/2008 3:08 PM
Good Afternoon Landscape Committee Volunteers, (and other potential volunteer PTA members)

This your opportunity to help add some plantings to the grounds around the school building.

Sunday, Sept 28 from 1 to 2:30 PM ? about 50 Nandinas will need to be planted by PTA Volunteers. (TIVO the Football game to enjoy later).

The Nandinas were donated by the Holland Hills Homeowner Association. If you have anything else you would like to add feel free to do so.

Please bring a shovel, maybe a garden rake and your ideas on where to plant them. We might need a wheel barrow or two to transport the plants around. So let me know if you have one you can bring.

Bring the kids to help. I know my kids love to dig. I will have a couple of kid size shovels.

Please let me know if you be able to help with this event.

See you all on Sunday!

Rachel Pudwill